g my journey entry the entire day.”

Cheryl has considered the ‘Diary of an Inquisitor’ to be something worthy for her to be proud of.

Having just gained access to the magic network, Teresa began to carefully skim over the post Cheryl made.

It was her first time realizing that books could actually be recorded in such a manner.
Furthermore, while reading the ‘book,’ she could share her thoughts with the other readers at anytime and anywhere.

As Teresa was someone who has always been reading to pass time while she was in the church, she immediately grew fond of this new form of reading.

“What’d you think? Are you going to write a book in the Motionless Library too? It’ll definitely be well-received by a lot of people.”

Incited by Cheryl, the nun lady nodded her head.
Thus, Cheryl began to instruct her on how to use the Mage Forum.

Teresa tapped open the Motionless Library sub-forum and created a new post.
But, once she started pondering about what to write, she was stuck.

As she pondered, Teresa found her suitcase among a small pile of books beside her bed.

“Wait a bit.”

Teresa got out of the bed and opened her suitcase.
Not long after, she found an aged notebook from the canons-filled suitcase.

“Teresa, are you also planning to write a diary?” asked Cheryl.

“Not a diary…”

Teresa opened the notebook’s first page.
Clumsily, she began to type at the virtual keyboard.
Soon, a title that caused Cheryl unease appeared on the forum.

‘The Piper Tucker and the Lost Elven Youth’

Judging from the title, it was obviously a fictional story created by Teresa.
Furthermore, judging from how thick the notebook was, she has fictionalized that story for quite some time.

It would appear that apart from praying and reading, Teresa would also find time to write stuff she was fond of.

“Let me have a look.”

Cheryl kept feeling that there was something fishy with the title.
She picked up Teresa’s notebook and skimmed through it.

She only read a little bit before being completely shaken even though she was an old lady over ninety years old.

“The stories recorded in this notebook are sacred writings presented to me by God!”

Using her special way, Teresa flaunted to Cheryl her work’s excellence.

‘So the God of Holy Light is actually such a person.’ Even though that was what Cheryl was thinking, she didn’t say it out loud.
She slowly placed Teresa’s notebook back by the bed.

“Mhmm, it’s an excellent story indeed.
It will definitely be very well-received.”

Cheryl said those words against her conscience.

Encouraged by Cheryl, the nun lady posted her first story on the Mage Forum’s Motionless Library sub-forum.

Feeling uneasy, Teresa started waiting.
Several minutes later, the first reply appeared under her post.

‘A very interesting book.’ Replied by: Faye

“Someone’s reading it… Faye.
That name sounds familiar.”

After reading the first reader’s reply, Teresa’s uneasy mood was immediately replaced with happiness and excitement.
But, she kept feeling like the name Faye was familiar.

She opened the Mage Forum’s Game Special District.
Soon, she found the post in the sub-forum with the greatest amount of replies.

‘How to let the dwarf with the red hat survive till the end.’ Poster: Faye

Back then, Teresa only managed to successfully beat the first level after reading that post.

“Do you know her?”

Teresa shook her head at Cheryl’s question.
As Teresa has never left the Holy Church, she had no idea who Faye was.

“But, she must be a very kindhearted person,” Teresa spoke with a tone of absolute certainty.

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