There were few pedestrians on the street in the early morning, only a few people in black coats sweeping the streets.

But Yun Zhixing told him, ”Those are imperial guards.
They are top agents who have passed the third-level trial.
There are at least ten electronic devices in their black coats, which can easily identify metals, explosives, or toxic substances.
They are very powerful. ”

Lin Wen and Yun Zhixing walked past them, and the black-clothed people slightly bowed and saluted them.

Yun Zhixing said gloomily, ”He heard us. ”

The five crows beside them had the same expression.
No agent liked being suppressed in their professional field.

When they arrived in front of the main building, Lin Wen realized that this huge pentagonal building was actually very tall.
The gate below was several times taller than the three of them combined, and it looked like a dog hole.

After showing the invitation letter, Lin Wen and Yun Zhixing were allowed to enter, but the crows were stopped outside because the sheriff ’s level was too low, and only one accompanying person was allowed.

The decoration and layout of the building were very grand.
Every window and door here were five times larger than normal.
The outermost layer of the building was a circular corridor, fifteen meters high.
The clear sunlight shone through the huge windows, making Lin Wen feel like he had entered a giant ’s palace.

Yun Zhixing first took Lin Wen to the Imperial Personnel Department, which also had the sign of the Imperial Civil Servant Management Bureau.
It was the place where all the government employees of the empire were managed, and it was also the place where salaries were approved and distributed.

The Minister of the Personnel Department was named Wen Liang, a middle-aged man with a bald head.
Yun Zhixing was still talking to the staff outside, and his loud voice had already shouted, ”Is it Lin Wen from Changshan County? Let him in! ”

Lin Wen walked in, and Minister Wen ’s office was ordinary but very neat.
Every cabinet, desk, and chair were perfectly aligned.

Wen Liang sat behind a super-sized desk in the center, looking at him with an unfriendly gaze.

”It ’s you, not only did you fill up the 6,600 staff in the county, but you also want to transfer more than 10,000 civil servants and over 400,000 government employees from local positions to imperial positions. ”

”That ’s right. ”

Lin Wen looked at him with the same unfriendly gaze.
It was this person who kept rejecting his applications, burdening Changshan County with heavy wage expenses.
Nearly 500 million yuan had to be paid out in salaries every month, not counting other expenses.

”Nonsense! ”

Wen Liang slammed the table, and the neatly arranged books on the table shook.
He immediately straightened them before saying, ”Do you know what you ’re doing? Over 400,000 government employees! Even a province doesn ’t have that many.
Who gave you the courage, a small county like yours? ”

It can be hard to make great work when its stolen from ”pawread dot com ”.

While Yun Zhixing was pulling Lin Wen and apologizing frantically, Lin Wen ignored him and replied sternly, ”It ’s the logic of this world that gave me the courage! ”

Wen Liang angrily said, ”You ’re talking nonsense! What logic do you have? ”

Lin Wen pointed at him and said, ”I ask you, if we all do the same thing, why are the positions different? If we all do the same job, why is the treatment different? If I move a brick from the east to the west, and he moves a brick from the east to the west, what ’s the difference? Is it because he is nobler, so the brick he moves is harder? ”

Lin Wen looked into his eyes and said sternly, ”Are people doing things, or are things doing people? ”

Wen Liang ’s face immediately turned red.
”This, this is an established rule! It has been in operation for decades! ”

Lin Wen sneered, ”Has it always been like this, is it right? ”

Wen Liang was speechless, his entire neck bulging.

Finally, Lin Wen said, ”If you still recognize the most basic logic of fairness, then you should properly address the issue of imperial positions.
I hope that when I submit my application next time, you won ’t reject it again. ”

After speaking, he turned and left.
Yun Zhixing was still apologizing, but Lin Wen pulled him abruptly.

As soon as they left the minister ’s office, he suddenly woke up.
”Lin, Sheriff Lin, is this the demeanor of a man? ”

Lin Wen couldn ’t be bothered to answer him and walked straight ahead.

”But, the Personnel Department has a lot of weight among the departments.
Minister Wen ’s words carry a lot of weight.
If we offend him, not only will we have many troubles in various personnel transfers in the future, but it will also be unfavorable for us in the ministerial meetings. ”

While he was still rambling, Lin Wen had already entered the door of another minister ’s office.

Yun Zhixing looked up: Imperial Information Industry Department.

He was stunned for a while before following in.
He thought to himself, ”Indeed, Sheriff Lin is the true man.
I didn ’t understand it before.
A man should be fearless, face difficulties head-on, and make things even more difficult. ”

He made up his mind, and his momentum was already brewing.
He was ready to shout and reprimand just like Sheriff Lin.

But as soon as he entered, he heard Lin Wen ’s gentle laughter, ”Minister Qian is truly extraordinary.
You have made great contributions to the information construction of the empire. ”

”Hahaha, too much praise. ”The two of them laughed together, and Yun Zhixing watched them praise each other, witnessing a perfect demonstration of official socializing.
He felt like something had turned over in his mind.

After about ten minutes, Lin Wen said, ”Minister Qian, I trouble you with the communication construction work in Changshan County.
On behalf of the two million people in Changshan County, I thank you! ”

Minister Qian ’s chubby face turned red with delight as he laughed, ”If it weren ’t for Sheriff Lin reminding me, how would I know that there is a place with two million people and no mobile communication base station? No wonder the growth rate of mobile communication this year is so poor.
There must be too many of these communication desolate areas! ”

Lin Wen smiled, ”Minister Qian, you are too kind.
It ’s just that my subordinates didn ’t take their work seriously, which affected your political achievements.
You should properly manage those disobedient people. ”

Minister Qian clapped his hands, ”That ’s right, those bastards cause trouble for me every day. ”

After saying their goodbyes, they chatted for another five minutes before Lin Wen left.

Yun Zhixing followed behind, feeling like his mind was a mess.

Afterwards, Lin Wen visited the Imperial Ministry of Water Resources, the Imperial Ministry of Agriculture, the Imperial Ministry of Transportation, the Imperial Ministry of Commerce, and so on.
Sometimes he argued loudly, sometimes he laughed and joked, sometimes he confronted others, and sometimes he flattered and smiled.

But whether it was flattery, socializing, or greeting ancestors, he always held his own and even achieved complete victory.

What was even more peculiar was that he often obtained promises from the ministers with just empty words and a smile.

After a long time, Yun Zhixing suddenly slapped himself twice.

”No, everything I ’ve summarized before is bullshit! Sheriff Lin is telling me that there is no fixed mindset, and a man should be strong! ”

”If the master doesn ’t love me, it ’s because I ’m not strong. ”

In an instant, he regained his confidence.
As long as the ”master ” returned, he would definitely succeed this time.

In the afternoon, the ministerial meeting began.

The meeting was chaired by the highest office of the empire, and the director, Yang Jiehua, was the rotating chairman.

There were forty-six ministers from the imperial departments, two governors, one sheriff, and three directors in attendance.

The ministerial meeting was a regular meeting used by the imperial departments to manage the affairs of various departments, states, and regions.

The joint meeting was an expansion of the ministerial meeting.
Because it involved too many governors, elders were invited to preside over the meeting.
It gradually evolved into a specialized meeting between states.

The ministerial meeting usually took place every 18-36 days, and the date of the next meeting would be announced before each meeting ended.
Usually, two or three governors would attend, and autonomous regions would only be notified to attend when specific matters were involved.

Only ministers and governors had voting rights, while others did not.

The afternoon meeting was boring and dull, discussing government work reports.
Lin Wen couldn ’t understand a word, so he simply fell asleep and regained some spiritual energy.

The meeting ended at six o ’clock in the evening, and Lin Wen woke up from his dream, stretching lazily and attracting many disgusted or surprised gazes.

Yun Zhixing had been observing Lin Wen all along, thinking to himself, ”Is this the mentality of a strong person? ”

Lin Wen stood up and was about to leave with the crowd when a friendly voice came from behind, ”Sheriff Lin, hello. ”

He turned around and saw a middle-aged man in the governor ’s official uniform.

He was probably in his forties and looked gentle and refined.

He smiled warmly at Lin Wen, ”I am Governor Zhao Chaoyang of Yunzhou.
It ’s a pleasure to meet you. ”

They shook hands and exchanged a few polite words before Governor Zhao left.

Yun Zhixing was stunned.
The governor actually took the initiative to greet a sheriff.
This is the charm of a man.

He followed behind Lin Wen, feeling that Lin Wen ’s figure was becoming taller and more imposing.

At the same time, in the Winter Palace.

In the narrow and dim underground conference room, a smile finally appeared on Chang Hai ’s gloomy face after a long time.

”Very good, Elder Lin has already issued the attack order.
We will cooperate with Elder Lin tomorrow to launch a full-scale attack on that little brat. ”

One subordinate said, ”Director Chang, we can ’t collect too much detailed data on Changshan County at the moment.
Some of the output this quarter is estimated based on last year ’s data. ”

Chang Hai waved his hand, ”Changshan County is a broken place that won ’t change even after a hundred years.
With such a big flood, the output will only drop more than we expected.
This report is enough to prove that the little brat is useless. ”

”But Changshan County has recently recruited a lot of laborers… ”

Chang Hai impatiently interrupted, ”Don ’t worry about such trivial matters. ”

Another subordinate reported, ”Director Chang, the Sano, Blackwater, and Death Hand mercenary groups are ready.
They are hiding on the border of Changshan County, waiting for our orders. ”

Chang Hai smiled, ”Tell them not to rush.
When news of that little brat being captured spreads, Changshan County will naturally fall into chaos.
Tell them that they will have a whole day to do whatever they want, and no one will question them. ”

A subordinate took the order and left.Chang Hai pondered for a moment before continuing, ”Send a command to our ace spy, An Desi.
Tell him to stop dawdling in gathering information.
Instead, have him poison the water source in the south, let those rebellious scum from the Democratic Party taste bitterness first. ”

Another subordinate took the order and left.

Chang Hai clapped his hands and said, ”Good, the meeting ends here.
I want to emphasize one last time, anyone who dares to leak information will be considered a traitor to the council.
The fate of Yang Shaohu will be your fate. ”

Everyone present turned pale and said in unison, ”Yes! ”

Chang Hai smiled satisfactorily, ”Dismissed.
Prepare the materials.
Tomorrow, we must all give our best effort.
We must wash away our disgrace of failure with that little beast ’s blood. ”

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