Later, Lin Wen couldn ’t remember what had happened.
When he woke up, the overwhelming feeling of happiness still lingered, and his strong nostalgia kept his mind in that world.

He opened his eyes to see a dim tent, with a ray of sunlight shining through the cracks.
The dust in the air sparkled in the sunlight, as if it were his frozen dream.

A figure gently lifted the tent, letting more sunlight pour in.
She approached him and placed the things in her hand on the simple table in front of him.

”Sir Sheriff, you ’re awake. ”

She lowered her head, her voice like a mosquito.

”Um. ”

Lin Wen responded dumbly, his eyes returning to the beginning of his dream.
This person was the disciple who had come to deliver the message.

Next, she would cry out that an unprecedented powerful monster had entered the mountain gate.

”I ’ll help you get dressed. ”

Something was wrong.
Lin Wen frowned slightly, and the dream world trembled.

He sat up, realizing that he didn ’t have the habit of undressing before sleep, so his clothes were intact.

The woman in front of him knelt down and gently helped him put on his socks.

Something was wrong!

Why didn ’t his clothes automatically fly over?

Lin Wen suddenly realized.

Who was this woman? His disciple was clearly a man!

Where was his cloak? Where was his divine sword?

His rationality returned.

The dream world was collapsing.

The beautiful illusion was disappearing.

His mind fought back with all its might, but the gravity of reality was too heavy, and his soul fell to the ground with a bang.

The world turned upside down, and everything returned.

He was still in his tent, surrounded by refugees who had settled in just yesterday.

He hadn ’t reincarnated or practiced immortality.
He was still the Sheriff of Changshan County.

Enormous loss and emptiness replaced his previous happiness and nostalgia.

For a moment, Lin Wen wanted to draw his sword.

But it was only a moment.
Lin Wen immediately suppressed it, because he knew that as long as he continued to work hard, his dream would come true.

The woman in front of him wanted to help him put on the other sock, but Lin Wen immediately stopped her.

”I ’ll do it myself. ”

In the physical world, he was just a person, no different from anyone else.

The woman lowered her hand in disappointment.
Lin Wen noticed that there were tears in her eyes, and she looked familiar.

He looked closely and uncertainly said, ”You ’re Bai Xiuyu? ”

The woman ’s cheeks turned slightly red, and she didn ’t dare to look up.
”Yes, Your Excellency. ”

”Oh. ”Lin Wen remembered, she was the woman who lost three children, but that day she was covered in dirt and tears, a stark contrast to her clean appearance today.
Upon closer inspection, there were bruises on her face, likely from the scum who had beaten her.
Fortunately, they had paid for their beastly behavior.

”How are the children? ” He remembered the three children being drugged by the agents, which could be harmful.
After all, they weren ’t in a proper hospital environment with an anesthesiologist.
He had instructed them to go to the hospital for a check-up.

Speaking of the children, the woman ’s face lit up with a smile.
”Thanks to the Great Immortal, the children are fine.
They have recovered, and the doctor said they just suffered from malnutrition. ”

”That ’s good. ” Lin Wen quickly put on his shoes and socks, seeing a bowl of steaming white porridge on the table.
He was a little hungry, so he took two bites.
Surprisingly, it was delicious, and there was even some minced meat inside.
”Not bad, ” Lin Wen praised.
Shouyu ’s face shone with radiance, wanting to say something, but Lin Wen interrupted her.

”Why are you kneeling here? Sit down, there ’s a stool over there. ”

”Great Immortal, can… ”

”I told you to sit, so sit.
Also, just call me by my name. ”

Shouyu hesitated for a moment but stood up and sat carefully on the edge of the stool.
Lin Wen placed the porridge on the table and asked, ”Have you eaten? ”

Shouyu whispered, ”Lin…Lord Lin Wen, we have all eaten. ”

”What did you eat? Was it the same as mine? ”

”Um. ”

”Was there meat? ”

”A little. ”

”How ’s life been these past few days? Do you have enough supplies? ”

”We have enough.
Director Huang gave us a lot, more than before.
Everyone has food, clothes, a place to live, and clean water to drink.
Although the medicine is still not enough, it ’s so much better than before. ”

Speaking of the present, Shouyu ’s eyes sparkled, reflecting the seven o ’clock sun, like the morning dew.
”It ’s all thanks to the Great Immortal.
Before, we were like worms in the mud.
The flood destroyed everything, and the bad guys took away our dignity.
We had nothing, and they trampled on us.
We could only endure it and couldn ’t fight back. ”

”It was the Great Immortal who saved us.
I never dared to imagine that the high and mighty lord would die for us, and no one else had ever thought of it either. ”

”It was you who punished them. ” She showed a bright smile, but lowered her head, tears rolling down her fair face. ”Before you came, we ate grass roots, tree bark, and porridge for over twenty days.
I ’ll never forget the bitter and hard-to-swallow taste. ”

”But we can ’t always get that.
The guards have been withholding our supplies and using this as an excuse to beat and insult us.
If we resist even a little, they will withhold all the food until everyone is on the brink of death and unable to resist. ”

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”Li Shu couldn ’t stand it and argued with them a few times.
Later, they beat him to death. ”

”The body was left outside the settlement for days with no one taking care of it.
We weren ’t even allowed to touch it. ”

”It wasn ’t until another official was passing by one day that they finally took the body and threw it into a mountain ditch. ”

”After that, they started to enjoy beating people.
They would find someone to use as a punching bag every day.
If they weren ’t happy with the beating, they wouldn ’t give us any food. ”

”After beating us during the day, they would take women to sleep with them at night. ”

Xiu Yu lowered her head, tears falling like broken beads.

”I didn ’t survive this hellish life for my child.
I would have died long ago. ”

”We thought we could endure it by gritting our teeth, but that morning, I took my child to the mountain to dig some fish grass.
Those beasts saw me and forcibly took me…
I begged them, even just to let me send my child back, but they didn ’t listen. ”

”Cheng Da Shu passed by and tried to stop them.
They beat him with iron rods until his head was bleeding, and several others were also beaten to the ground.
I refused, and they beat me on the road and tore my clothes. ”

”Later, more people came.
They were very arrogant at first, but as more people arrived, they became afraid and ran back. ”

”We thought it was over and comforted me, helping me look for my child.
But not long after, those beasts came back with over ten people, and they beat everyone with iron rods.
An old man from a nearby village fell in front of me, and I saw blood pouring from the back of his head, his face soaked in blood and mud like a ghost. ”

”At that moment, I truly felt hopeless.
I cried and begged them to stop, saying that someone would die.
I begged them to take me away and do whatever they wanted with me. ”

”They stopped and dragged me to the outpost. ”

Xiu Yu ’s tears couldn ’t stop falling.
It was an absolute nightmare that was difficult to look back on.

”Later, the angry crowd rushed into the outpost, and those bullies who had been oppressing us fled. ”

”But we all knew that we were rebelling, and we might not have a way out in the future. ”

”Until, until, until… ”

A glimmer of light appeared on Xiu Yu ’s face, dispelling all the darkness and gloom.

She said softly, ”I met you. ”The exit of the tent faced the direction where the sun rose.
Despite her scars, her beautiful and fair face was submerged in the sunlight, forming a stunning silhouette.

”It was you who saved us. ”

”You brought us back to the mortal world. ”

”You gave us a precious hope, like gold. ”

”We admire you greatly and hope you can protect us for a long time. ”

”Therefore, they elected me to come out and serve you as their representative. ”

She bowed gracefully.

”Please accept our sincerity. ”

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