
From the Griffin Kingdom's princess to boys and girls with outstanding talents, who belonged to different prestigious families… The students were so outstanding that professors were already excited about seeing the potential golden students and teaching them.


He didn't know why there were so many giants among the new students this year, to the point of being abnormal.
But in any case, the current situation needed to be addressed.


“Is there no way?”


When the Dean was massaging his forehead while thinking of a solution, Professor Gideon entered the office with a knock.


Behind him stood a man who could only be described as ominous – dressed in a black robe and a black cloth covering his face, while his hand held a staff with grotesque, eerie decorations.


“Dean, I’ve found someone to solve this case.”


'Oh, oh!'


It was unexpected news that he didn't dare to hope for.


The Dean rose abruptly.
Slamming the desk, he asked with hopeful eyes, “The person behind you?”


“Yes, that’s right.
He is the necromancer I found with great difficulty.”


“Yes, yes… … Necromancer?”


The Dean immediately frowned.
A Necromancer was someone who walked the path of dark magic.
That meant…


“Isn't he a criminal?”


An existence that violated the laws of the Griffin Kingdom.
A kind of pathogen that should not be allowed to set foot in the academy.


“Yes, that's right.
But, Dean, is that important now? The start of the term is just around the corner.
We need to resolve this case before the students return.”


“I’d rather have a priest…”


The Dean wondered if it would be right to bring in the priest he had been thinking about since the other day, but the Necromancer behind Gideon sneered while giggling.


“Are you talking about those idiots who just kneel down and pray to God? Stop it.
They'll still be offering prayers even after the start of the term.”




It was indeed true.


Moreover, the exorcism of priests cost a lot of money, but it was impossible to properly confirm whether it was successful.


“I'm sure.
If we scare and cause pain to the spirits, they will quickly run away.”


As the Necromancer spoke with a chuckle, a strange belief began to grow in Dean's heart.


'Yes, can’t we bend a rule to save the academy?'


The Dean nodded and asked for a handshake with the necromancer.


“Please help us.”


“Don't worry.
I'll start right away.
It should be finished within a day.”


The necromancer, who refused to shake hands, headed outside.
Just in time, he bumped into Erica Bright and Karen, who were on their way to the Dean’s office.


The Dean didn’t want them to know what they were up to, but Gideon smiled and spoke before the Dean could.


“The two of you can follow too.
Everything has been resolved now.”




Erica frowned, not understanding, but Karen realized what he meant as soon as she saw the man behind him.


“You've brought a necromancer.
They are quite a rare sight.”


“Good, doing a lot of mercenary work has made you quite knowledgeable and sharp.”


That’s how Karen and Erica also joined the group.


Trying to avoid standing next to Gideon, Erica stepped forward with determination and stood next to the man in all black.


“May I ask you something?”




The necromancer giggled and gave a relaxed smile.
An unpleasant feeling surged up, but Erica tried to hold it in and asked.


“There's a professor at the academy who was aware of the circumstances even before the strange incidents occurred.”




Upon hearing her words, not only the necromancer’s but the others' ears also perked up.


It was Deus' story.


“Do you know how that professor knew that?”


“Hehe,” the necromancer let out a small laugh that everyone in the group could recognize as mockery.


“There are sometimes people like that, who have a sensitive sense of the dead.
But that's all.
When you think about it, they're just third-rate who only know how to run away.
They can't control or suppress demons like me.
Isn't that why the academy is still overflowing with evil spirits like this?”


“….Is that so?” Erica internally breathed a small sigh of relief.
Frankly, the more she delved into the situation, the more she felt that Professor Deus was involved with black magic.
Fortunately, according to this strange man’s words, that didn’t seem to be the case.


“Ugh, sending such a trivial letter with an insignificant ability.”


“Haha, Professor Deus missed his genius opportunity to be reinstated.”


Gideon laughed and sympathized with the Dean, who snorted, saying, “It’s okay.”


Erica pretended not to hear them and continued to ask the necromancer.


“Actually, there is an evil spirit I am looking for-”




Saying that the necromancer also stopped in his tracks.


It was right in the middle of the fourth-floor corridor.


“Let's start here.
This can be considered the center of the building.”


With those words, the necromancer immediately slammed his staff on the floor.


A massive amount of mana began to explode out of him like clay bubbling and soon it turned into the shape of a person's palm.


But the fingers of ‘Mana Palm’ kept stretching out and their tips also took the shape of a palm.
Just like that, the magic of the necromancer split into hundreds of palms in just a few seconds.


And inside those palms, the faces of the dead wailing in agony could be seen.


“He is a necromancer with considerable skill.
Professor Gideon, where did you find him? With this level of skill, if he set his mind to hide, no one would be able to find him.”


“Haha, it's a secret.”


To Karen's question, who had seen the necromancers several times, Gideon gave a friendly smile and evaded giving any details.


Indeed, it was an incredible skill.


Even considering that it was a necromantic skill, the moment Erica thought that this strange man’s skills seemed even superior to herself, who was a professor-




-His staff fell to the ground, rolling to Erica's foot.
The mana in the shape of a palm was burned and disappeared into the air.


The Necromancer was looking at the professors.


His body stood still with his back facing them just like before, but his neck was twisted and the eyes behind his mask seemed to be blank as if frozen.






That was it.


With his neck turned, the necromancer let out a scream, not knowing what was happening with his twisted neck, and collapsed, rolling down the stairs.


No one could say or do anything.


Just then-




-The dreadful laughter of the girl, the same laughter they had heard before, echoed throughout the corridor.










And soon, the sound of heavy footsteps also came from the stairs.


“Why is he here…?”


The one-armed skeleton warrior, known to appear only in the central corridor of the first floor, was leaping up the stairs with tremendous agility.




He immediately trampled the Necromancer’s body which was rolling down the stairs, crushing it into a lump of flesh.


Swish! Kwadeuk! Swish! Kwadeuk!


Then drawing his sword in an instant, he started hacking, slashing, and stomping on the Necromancer’s corpse… over and over again.

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