
“Gu Langu! With the situation having reached this point today, it’s clearly impossible to just call it quits.
Presumably, you can’t tolerate us either.
Give us an explanation—do we need to battle?” The group besieging them held the numerical advantage, and this owed much to their shared sense of fear.

Although wary of the recent emergence of the “cannibalism” phenomenon, everyone understood the law of the jungle—weakness was the original sin.
And who could guarantee what actions they would take at the critical juncture between life and death? For the sake of survival, there are times when you don’t even recognize yourself.

In this situation, Gu Langu, the most powerful force that no one can contend with, stands out exceptionally.
If it truly comes down to having to turn on each other in the end, no one among them could defeat Gu Langu.

Given this, it’s better to strike first.
Unite together, eliminate the most troublesome Gu Langu, and the remaining matters can at least remain within their control.

So on this day, the survivors have united in solidarity.
Even though most of them detest the act of “cannibalism,” compared to those who practice it, Gu Langu is clearly more formidable.
If he were to lose control even for a moment, he could cause a death shrouded in mystery.
Everyone in the Canghai Galaxy has heard stories of Gu Langu losing control and obliterating the entire battlefield, regardless of friend or foe.
Otherwise, why would he have been exiled to this desolate star?

A rival who can be contested against, versus an uncontrollable and unbeatable adversary—which one is more dangerous? This is a question that doesn’t require contemplation at all.

Tension filled the air in an instant.
The individuals prepared to besiege had already taken their attacking stances.
They understood that Gu Langu wouldn’t choose to retreat.
In this harsh desert, retreat equated to death.

Facing the provocation of the crowd, Gu Langu remained expressionless, seemingly unfazed.
He pondered for a moment and then casually stated, “So be it, let’s battle.”

The besieging crowd’s hearts trembled involuntarily; their fear couldn’t be concealed.
After all, they were facing Gu Langu, whom even the perfect mechanical beings of the Xian Ge Galaxy couldn’t defeat—a crazed emotionless killing machine, a mechanical being responsible for the slaughter and collapse of an entire galaxy.

In the background, Cheng Que faintly curved his lips, recognizing this as the Gu Langu he knew.
Especially after being exiled, many of the iron laws imprinted in Gu Langu’s mind were erased, rendering him even more uncontrollable.

Gu Langu’s pupils were tinged with a hint of azure radiance.
He simultaneously took a step forward, intending to swiftly settle the battle and then return to enjoy his rest.
However, the next second, he was embraced from behind by Shu Shuishui.
Gu Langu’s movement immediately ceased as he lowered his head to look at the hands around his waist.

The besieging crowd’s relief was slight, followed by a sense of embarrassment.
They couldn’t deny that in that split second, they had faltered.


Nan Ge and the others also breathed sighs of relief.
The situation was still unstable, and making enemies wasn’t wise.

Unfortunately, right after the collective sigh of relief, the crowd heard Shu Shuishui’s serious and clear voice from behind Gu Langu.
“I’ll take care of this.
Gu Gu, you’re in charge of being exquisitely beautiful.”

The crowd: “…” It’s not what they’re understanding, right?

But it was unfortunate that their understanding was correct—exactly what they were thinking.
Shu Shuishui stepped out from behind Gu Langu.
His face remained as pure and clean as before, but the words that came out were entirely different from his demeanor.
“Although I don’t know why we’re fighting, Gu Gu is still right.
Come on, let’s settle this quickly.
Gu Gu and I still have to raise our little ones.”

For an instant, an eerie sense of dread swept over the crowd.
This fear wasn’t because they perceived Shu Shuishui as particularly powerful, but due to his unwavering determination and absolute simplicity—simplicity that could defeat them, even kill them.

Even the obtuse Liu Du felt it.
“Brother, Shui Shui suddenly turned fierce.”

Liu Po didn’t say anything.
It was beyond just turning fierce; his presence had grown stronger.
Had he grown taller? Liu Po had never underestimated Shu Shuishui, so he wasn’t surprised by the seemingly changing Shu Shuishui before him due to growth.

While Shu Shuishui had taken on a humanoid form, he wasn’t a species meant for combat.
Thankfully, he still had his younger son.


The younger son clung closely to his old father and obediently followed Shu Shuishui’s side, flying around him in mid-air.

Although Gu Langu had accepted the task of being exquisitely beautiful earlier, he hadn’t expected the task to come so soon.
He was caught somewhat off guard.
He had a slight worry, but upon seeing the “young son” accompanying Shu Shuishui and the composed “elder son,” Gu Langu felt that as long as he was beautiful, that was enough.

As he gazed at the towering figure of Shu Shuishui before him, Gu Langu felt an indescribable sense of subtlety.
Perhaps, from the moment he was born, no one had truly placed him in a position that needed protection, nor had anyone stood before him in this way, shielding him from everything.

Gu Langu’s lips curved up once again, a very happy expression.
What could he do? It was the kind of happiness that made you feel like your chest was about to burst, the kind of happiness that had you all turned around.
In the midst of a tense atmosphere where a certain God of War was on edge, suddenly, a voice from behind inquired, “Shui Shui, do I look beautiful now?”

The crowd: “…”

Shu Shuishui turned around and understood from their shared intuition that Gu Langu was asking if he looked exquisitely beautiful now.
“Gu Gu is the most beautiful.” After saying this, Shu Shuishui seemed to recall something.
He reached into his spiritual storage and retrieved a small flower.
He then ran back and stood by Gu Langu, inserting the flower into Gu Langu’s hair.
“It’s more beautiful with the flower.”

Gu Langu’s eyes sparkled, warm and far from any semblance of being semi-mechanical.
“As long as Shui Shui likes it.
But I want to be exquisitely beautiful for profit and to support my family.
Just wait, Shui Shui.
I’ll handle it.”

Shu Shuishui seriously shook his head.
“I’ll handle it.
Gu Gu, wait.”

The crowd, who were tense and ready for battle, watched in silence as Gu Langu and the person named Shui Shui bickered back and forth.
It was quite heart-wrenching.
Both of them exuded an air of confidence that they alone could finish off these opponents in minutes.

“If you can’t come to an agreement, why don’t you all attack together?” Finally, someone couldn’t bear it any longer and suggested.
After all, they had the numerical advantage; the difference between one or two more people didn’t matter much.


Gu Langu and Shu Shuishui exchanged glances.
Suddenly, Shu Shuishui spoke up.
“Let’s forget it.
It seems like we’re bullying you kids.
Let Xiao Jiao Jiao and Da Bai go.”

The crowd: “…”

This peculiar choice of address was one aspect, but was this a bit too disdainful? Someone’s face turned red long ago, and they were just a step away from rushing forward.

Jiaolong was already prepared, and after hearing this, Da Bai slightly raised its head.
“Just me is enough.”

“Don’t push your luck!”

“That’s right! Do they really think they’re invincible? Everyone who came here has their hidden cards!”

“Why waste time talking? Let’s just kill them all.
Gu Langu isn’t that impressive anyway!”

Perhaps Gu Langu’s consecutive reactions and displays had drastically overturned their understanding of him, reigniting the flames of battle.

Yu Jin and the others also stepped forward one by one, joining Shu Shuishui and Gu Langu’s side, clearly preparing to welcome a full-blown brawl.

Jiaolong’s head was turning hesitantly, one moment looking at the enemy, the next at Shu Shuishui.

Shu Shuishui waved his hand, and Jiaolong swiftly flew to his side.
Shu Shuishui patted Jiaolong’s head and said, “Go ahead.
No cannibalism, the rest is up to you.”

The previously fierce crowd was momentarily halted just a few steps away from Jiaolong.
All voices vanished in an instant.
The fighting spirit seemed to have been doused with cold water, dissipating completely.

Perhaps it was because they were too close and Jiaolong was already flying in mid-air.
The sudden sense of oppression right before their eyes was completely unexpected.
It had been several days since they entered the dungeon, and they had never encountered such a terrifying presence.
The colossal body was like a dark cloud, casting a shadow upon the ground.

Jiaolong’s body glided through the air, stirring up winds that lifted the nearby yellow sand off the ground.
Jiaolong made a slight movement forward, causing the people who had been charging towards it to involuntarily take a step back.
This was particularly true for the person at the forefront, who almost wished they could instantly teleport to the back of the group.

Yu Jin and the others were also quite startled.
Liu Du couldn’t help but pat his chest.
“Damn, scared the hell out of me.
What is this thing?”


Liu Du’s words were almost what everyone was thinking at this moment.
What on earth was this! It can fly without wings! It went from being so small to blocking out the sky!

The people in the front of the group couldn’t help their trembling legs, and those in the back were somewhat dazed.
Even though they were dealing with mutated creatures, rarely had they encountered something so massive! Most importantly, it was clear at a glance that this was not something to mess with.

Amidst the standoff, gunshots rang out.
It was the same person who had initially fired the quantum bullets.
Clearly, that person was also in fear, but fear was quickly followed by intense unwillingness and the will to survive.

The bullets struck Jiaolong’s body, leaving no trace on its scales of deep blue.

Just as everyone was astonished, Jiaolong let out an ear-splitting roar and dove down at an incredibly fast speed.
The besieging group immediately scattered and fled in all directions.

Jiaolong’s attack method was straightforward and brutal, involving collisions and crushing.
However, after witnessing Jiaolong’s behavior of ramming its head into the cliff, Shu Shuishui felt that no one could truly withstand Jiaolong’s charge.

In less than three minutes, the battle came to an end.
The once fiercely advancing enemy formation now had no one left standing.
Some had been rammed, some had been pushed by others, and some had fallen.
But more than that, many simply sat on the ground in spontaneous surrender.

Jiaolong hovered in the sky above, terrifying everyone to the point where no one dared to lift their heads to look.
However, they could still see it quite clearly.
Although this creature seemed not to have the intention to kill, it also didn’t intentionally hold back.
Except for the initial person who fired quantum bullets and shot, the creature’s attacks seemed whimsical, as if it were playing around, yet it brought disaster upon them.

Amidst the chaos, some attempted to attack, but given that neither quantum bullets nor enhanced bullets were effective, how many attacks could work? After several attempts, they were certain—no attack could inflict substantial damage on the creature.
They truly were like ants, only capable of fleeing in panic.

The silver lining was perhaps that this creature wasn’t bloodthirsty.
It adhered to the earlier individual’s request and didn’t harm anyone.

“Oh my God! It’s just… indescribable! What is this! So powerful?!” Yu Jin instantly forgot about being thrown by the neck and rushed to Shu Shuishui’s side.

Shu Shuishui responded proudly.
“Gu Gu’s little one, although it’s not furry, Gu Gu’s little one is still my little one.
No need to worry about shedding, it hasn’t molted yet, still shiny and vibrant, with a clear and distinct color.
So well-behaved.”

Yu Jin: “…” Was that really how you describe your child? Although he hadn’t raised kids, why did this praise sound so strange?

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