Chapter 5577: Jie Tian Submitting

I hope you mean what you say.
I wont stop that easily if I have to make a move a second time, Chu Feng warned.

Jie Tian didnt answer.
As the restriction formations pain faded away, he slowly puffed up his chest once more, but his lowered head indicated his choice.
He had chosen to submit!

He might not have done it willingly, but at least he had chosen to submit to Chu Feng.

You walk in front, Chu Feng ordered Jie Tian.

He was a polite person who would speak amicably even to his servants, but he treated Jie Tian as if he was a criminal.

Jie Tian stared at Chu Feng in disbelief; no one had ever spoken to him in such a manner before.
It was almost as if he was protesting against Chu Fengs rude words.

You want a beating? Chu Feng asked.

Jie Tian clenched his fists in anger.
He was reluctant to yield, but he still did as he was told.

The three of them advanced into the passageway.
It didn ’t take them long to encounter a formation blocking their way.

Breach that formation, Chu Feng ordered.

Jie Tian did as he was told despite his displeasure.
He would have to breach that formation anyway even if not for Chu Fengs order, as they had to clear this trial and obtain this places secret for Chaotic Era Scholar to spare his life.

Chu Feng quietly watched Jie Tian from behind.

He could have easily breached this formation too.
Despite being at Gold Dragon God-cloak, he could rival Immortal Dragon God-cloak World Spiritists when it came to deciphering formations.
On top of that thanks to Qin Jius lineage, Chu Fengs knowledge of deciphering formations exceeded that of ordinary Immortal Dragon God-cloak World Spiritists.

He had chosen to have Jie Tian do it so that he could observe the latters means.

Indeed, Jie Tians ability as a world spiritist was impressive.
His read on the formation, control over his spirit power, and knowledge to breach the formation were on the mark.
Without a doubt, Jie Tians ability to decipher formations towered above ordinary Immortal Dragon God-cloak World Spiritists.

However, Chu Feng felt that something was amiss.

Hes hiding his skills.
His spirit power is at Immortal Dragon God-cloak, but his fighting prowess is definitely not just limited to that level.
His ability to decipher formations definitely far surpasses Immortal Dragon God-cloak too, Chu Feng told Eggy.

Looks like hes still being dishonest.
Should we beat him up once more? Eggy asked.

We should punish him for his dishonesty, but no hurry.
Lets continue watching the situation first, Chu Feng said.

He wasnt worried at all even though Jie Tian was trying to conceal his abilities.

Just then, Chu Feng received a voice transmission from Little Fishy.

Big brother, how did you control your killing intent?

It turned out she was curious about the method Chu Feng had used to control his killing intent.
He was able to make Jie Tian, who was far stronger than him, submit to him because he could overcome the restriction formation to hurt Jie Tian whereas the latter couldnt do the same.

Somehow, Chu Feng was the only one among them who seemed to be impervious to the effects of the restriction formation.

How did you know that I controlled my killing intent? It could be that Chaotic Era Scholar planted a fake formation in me.

Chu Feng had asked this question because he hadnt been subjected to the restriction formations punishment yet, which would have led most people to think that he wasnt under the effect of the restriction formation.
Otherwise, why would he be the only one who was fine?

After all, both Jie Tian and Little Fishy were top-notch prodigies.

However, Little Fishy somehow seemed certain that Chu Feng had overcome the restriction formation with his own capability.

Chaotic Era Scholar could have simply not planted any formation on you if he didnt want to restrain you.
Theres no reason for him to fake it.
The more likely explanation is, big brother, you have curbed your own killing intent, but I dont get how you did it, Little Fishy said.

She had curbed her killing intent to the point where she only felt anger and displeasure toward Jie Tian, but she could sense that the restriction formation would take effect as soon as she took off the cap she had imposed on her rage.
She had to constantly keep her emotions in check to avoid getting punished by the restriction formation.

Given how strict the restriction formation was, she was curious as to how Chu Feng was able to attack Jie Tian without any hesitation.

Jie Tian was tortured just by constructing a protective formation against Chu Feng, but the latter was somehow able to attack Jie Tian without any problem.

I dont know how I can teach you this.
Perhaps its due to the experiences I have been through, but its not too difficult for me to control my emotions, Chu Feng said.

Big brother is incredible! Little Fishy said.

Hardly at all.
My cultivation is beneath yours despite being much older, Chu Feng said.

He was only at rank three Half-God level, whereas Little Fishy had already reached rank five Half-God level.
In terms of cultivation rank, he was indeed weaker than Little Fishy.

Thats because my father provided me with the best cultivation resources in the vast world of cultivation.
Even my brother didnt enjoy some of the things I did.
Big brother, youd surely be much stronger than me if you had access to such cultivation resources too, Little Fishy said.

You sure know how to compliment, Chu Feng said.

Its not a compliment! Im stating facts.
There are countless people in the Ancestral Martial Lower Realm, but youre the only one who managed to come this far.
However, Ill only go so far as to acknowledge that Im beneath big brother.
Im still stronger than most people out there, like that thing over there, Little Fishy said as he glanced at Jie Tian.

His strength isnt just limited to that much, Chu Feng said.

I know hes hiding his true strength, but hes not a threat to me, Little Fishy replied confidently.

Chu Feng intended to remind her to be careful of Jie Tian, but it didnt seem like there was a need to do so.
There was a difference between confidence and arrogance.
Confidence was founded in the knowledge of ones own strength, whereas arrogance came from ignorance.

He could tell that Little Fishy was confident and not arrogant.

Chu Feng had to concede that Jie Tians ability to decipher formations was top-notch; he had never seen anyone aside from him decipher formations as fast as Jie Tian did.

Shortly after the formation was deciphered, a surge of energy flowed out from the deciphered formation.
Jie Tians eyes lit up in delight.
He could tell that the aura was beneficial to him.

Wait a moment, Chu Feng ordered.
You wait outside.

Following that, he entered the aura together with Little Fishy.

You!!! Jie Tian glared at Chu Feng.

Whats wrong? Chu Feng turned around and asked.


Jie Tian understood Chu Fengs intention.
The latter didnt want him to enjoy the benefits of the aura.
Even though he was displeased, he dared not to protest after the suffering he had faced earlier.

Meanwhile, Chu Feng and Little Fishy absorbed the aura together.
There was martial enlightenment and world spiritist enlightenment inside the aura.
It wasnt much, but it would be foolish to turn away such freebies.

After the two of them were done absorbing the aura, Chu Feng turned to Jie Tian and ordered, Continue on.

Jie Tian did as he was told.

Another formation appeared in their path, and Jie Tian proceeded to decipher it.
A fog arose from the deciphered formation.
It was hard to tell what was hidden in it, unlike the earlier aura, but it carried a whiff of danger.

You walk in front, Chu Feng ordered.

Arent you going too far? Jie Tian suddenly looked at Chu Feng.
You want me to take all of the risks while the two of you enjoy all of the benefits.
What do you take me for?

What do I take you for? A criminal, of course.
Surely you havent forgotten what you did earlier? You tried to kill the two of us.
Given that I have the power to torture you right now, you should be thankful that I am not doing anything to you at the moment.
I am already very forgiving to you, Chu Feng said coldly.

It was as if he didnt take Jie Tian to be a human being at all.

Jie Tian was infuriated to hear those words, but Chu Feng quickly added, If you wish to, I can show you what it means for me to not show mercy.

Theres no need for that, Jie Tian replied before stepping in front.

Little Fishy burst into laughter.
She found it amusing how Jie Tian was forced to follow Chu Fengs orders despite his reluctance.

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