Martial RPG



”RUN! ”

A mans arm was sliced off as he attempts to escape, forcing him to trip and wiggle on the floor in agony.

Fire ignites in every house as the smoke fills the air.

One moment it was a peaceful night, and the next moment, all hell broke loose.

My village is being attacked. Even when there are cultivators to guard us, they were instantly beheaded by the mysterious attacker in full black.

”Please go! Xie Mo! ” My mother pleads.

Right in front of my eyes, an arrow pierces through my mother from behind.

The blood was splattered on my face.

”No… ” I mumble.

She falls limp to the ground instantly.

I grit my teeth and take my mothers necklace around her neck for a keepsake, making a run for it. Death of people is common. Ive seen many already. But my mothers death…

I couldn bear it. The overwhelming pain and regret of the inability to protect those I love…and the agony of being left alone in this world.

One of the attackers notices me and goes in for a slash.


To my right is a panicking adult trying to escape, I pull the man and push him toward the attacker.

”ACK!! ”

He was stabbed in my place as I quickly run in the opposite direction.

Cowardly tactics are the only way someone like me can survive. I don have a choice.

Among the chaos, I managed to escape into the forest beside my village. I kept running even when my leg goes numb or when the pain in my chest immensely spiked. Because if I do stop, my life will too.

”Huff Huff Huff… ”


I collapsed my body into the soft mud. Its dark, I can see anything.

I can run anymore.

My body feels…sore…

I need to move…

I thought that was my death yet fate had other plans for me.


”Hah! ”

”Huff huff huff… ”

I wake up in the middle of the forest breathless.

The sound of chirping, water flowing, and the heat that radiates on my skin from the bright sun.

I survived.

Albeit curious about my current village status, I decided not to satiate the curiosity.

Walking further into the forest, I reach a cliff. The forest beyond extends infinitely into the horizon, tall and powerful mountains stand firm from afar.

I clench my fist. If only I could cultivate if only I was born with meridians and dantian.

I could control my fate.

The cliff is tall, not even a low cultivator can survive this fall. A sudden impulse to jump befalls me.

Yeah, this is a good idea.

My family are gone and my village is dead. I can cultivate so revenge will be impossible.

Its best to face reality.

One step by another to the edge, its heavy. Two more steps and my life will be forfeited.

”If I had the strength… ” I mumble.

The murim is a world full of evil, an unjust world. No, its human nature.

If I had the strength…

This kind of life isn worth living for…


Player ”Hong Xie Mo ” has logged in.

level: 1

Hp: 100

Qi: 0

Qinggong: 10

Strength: 5

Intelligence: 10



-Knife Handling lvl 1


The player does not have a meridian or a dantian.


An abrupt panel pops in.


”…What… ”

Trying to touch the mysterious

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