Rise of The Anti God (Web Novel)

Chapter 24: The Empress

Right after Damien left the room, Nestor Rong asked as his expressions seemed as if he was the one who had been wronged, ”Your Highness, why did you put up with such an outrageous request? He is without power and status but is not even putting you in his eyes, and his last condition was basically making you undermine your own dignity. ”

Oswin Rong also chimed in, ”Your Highness, I know you don ’t do anything without reason and also told us not to behave disrespectfully to him, but I still don ’t understand why you are so nice to him? Is there something we have missed? ”

Lily sighed, ”Court Masters, I understand that what I am doing might seem nonsensical, even going as far as to accept his final condition. But trust me when I say that it ’s not without reason. I have my own reasons. Hope the Court Masters understand. ”

Nestor Rong shook his head slightly while Oswin Rong sighed, ”Sure, Your Highness. We will definitely respect and follow your wishes. After all, it ’s the least we should do for you. ”

Lily smiled, ”Thank you, Court Masters. I will never forget the support you two have given me. ”

The two Court Masters instantly gave a light bow as they said, ”It ’s our duty, Your Highness. There is no need for words of gratitude. ”

Lily ’s gaze fell towards the direction where Damien had left, ’Damien, what exactly happened to you? How did you change so much? ’ Lily was getting lost in her own thoughts.

In his room, Damien was contemplating on the things that had just taken place.

He was trying to analyze Lily ’s behavior in his mind because he expected Lily to be angered when she heard his final condition. But other than being flustered, she didn ’t show any other reaction, nor was she angered in the least.

But it only puzzled him more, and Damien didn ’t like uncertainties like these where he wasn ’t able to find out what the other person was thinking.

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