「By the way, when did you remember your past life’s memories, Cristea-san?」

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Mariel-chan asked curiously.

「Me? It was when I ate Okpal… Takoyaki from a stall when shopping around the town in our fief」

As soon as I corrected myself to say Takoyaki, Mariel-chan’s mouth opened wide.

「Ta, tatatatakoyaki!? They have them in this world!?」
「Calm down, Mariel-san.
Strictly speaking, it’s food similar to Takoyaki.
When I think about it now, it was made from octopus, but the sauce still tastes incomplete」

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I have already got my hands on soy sauce and other various things, so it might be the time to start making the sauce soon.

「Ah, the sauce, huh… I see.
But, making a Takoyaki-ish thing is possible then?」
If I have that pan made」
「I, I want to eat it…! Takoyaki are nice.
Okonomiyaki too, but what you really yearn for is the sauce, right?」

Ah, I understand, I understand that feeling.
It’s a flavor I wanted to eat regularly during my past life.

I also want to eat it, so perhaps I should try doing my best at making the sauce?」

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When I said so casually, my shoulders were suddenly grabbed.

「Please do your best.
And please call me for the sampling by all means!」

Mariel-chan, did you have to approach me with that bloodcurdling expression!?

「Of, of course, I will send you an invitation at that time?」
「Thank you very muuuuch!」

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Mariel-chan said with almost prostrating vigor.
No, no, let’s calm down!?
Serving a fresh tea, I encouraged the conversation with Mariel-chan to advance.

「And so, I worked as OL in my past life, but on my way home from work, I went to a supermarket to purchase ingredients for Takoyaki and got run over by a truck and died instantly.
I wonder if the trigger was Takoyaki because my last moments about them were so powerful」

I narrated in melancholy.

「Is that so? I was a nurse during my past life, but as you know, I was a fujoshi and also did cosplay.
I don’t remember much from the time I died, but I remember having a hard time making a costume for an event that was just around the corner.
Was it because I pulled a few all-nighters? I might have died from overwork」

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A nurse, fujoshi and cosplayer… s, sounds rough.
I somehow could understand a death from overwork.

「I see.
We both had it hard, huh」
「Yeah… my only regret might be dying before completing the costume.
I worked so hard to make it.
But well, saying that now is useless.
Just being able to be granted a second life is a stroke of luck.
Moreover, I was also able to meet you, a reincarnated person like myself.
Lucky, right!」
「Yes, I am also glad I met Mariel-san in this world.
It’s reassuring」
I will be in your care from now on, alright?」

We exchanged a glance and laughed together.
I really am glad to have met Mariel-chan.

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