Chapter 109: The Wolf Acts Coquetishly, A Critical Hit

March 4, 2022 by danmeiheaven

After Xia Zuoyi arrived, the wooden shed outside Bore Mountain Hunting Ground suddenly began to clamor.

Someone angrily whispered, “What’s going on?! Didn’t you say Desinia wouldn’t come to this winter hunting?!”

“Then why is he here?!”

“I don’t know… I also heard it from others…”

The man’s friend replied in confusion and grievance, “At that time, the news came from the palace.
Prince Cassius also especially asked when he sent someone to deliver the invitation letter to the hotel…”

He looked at the beasts following Lord Desinia and couldn’t help saying, “If I had known, I wouldn’t have come.
This is too oppressive.”

What competition? Just admit defeat.

Many people have the same mentality.

Although this is an “entertainment” game, there is more or less a sense of competition in the hearts of the imperial royal family, nobles, and guests.

However, now this “consciousness” is almost crushed into slag after Desinia’s arrival.

After all, even the most famous hunters in the empire can’t compare with a beast with such a huge body, sharp claws, and ferocious teeth.

And the beasts following Desinia are not one, but a pack!!!

Some people’s eyes inevitably became gloomy.

The wooden shed on the periphery of the hunting area is a temporary construction and it’s not very big.

Xia Zuoyi, Orville, Archibald, and Gena were the last to arrive.
Some royal family members, nobles, and guests were almost complete.

At this time, the wooden shed, with the accompanying servants, attendants, knights, and so on, looks a little crowded.
Some servants looked at the plush balls such as Briquette and Egg Yolk and couldn’t stop their calves from shaking…

So, Xia Zuoyi asked Briquette to take the rest of the plushies and wander outside for a while.

He walked to the front of the wooden shed.

Prince Cassius greeted him, the previous stiffness on his face no longer visible.
He said, “Lord Desinia, didn’t you say you couldn’t come to participate in this hunt?”

“How come…”

Xia Zuo Yi hasn’t answered yet, Gena Kozmo on the sidelines replied.

“I invited him here.”

All of a sudden, a thought arose in the hearts of the people around—How could he/the King of Powell be so talkative!

Xia Zuoyi: “Your Highness doesn’t welcome me?” 

Cassius laughed, “How could it be?”

“It’s just that…these pets of yours also came to participate in the hunting competition.
What else should we play? Why don’t we just admit defeat to you now…”

Princess Leonor softly sneered from behind and said to Ken, “Our little brother has become a lot smarter.
Now he knows that it’s better to retreat to advance.”

She saw Cassius’ purpose at a glance.

—No doubt he wants Desinia to voluntarily give up playing or not let his beasts participate.

She thought that Lord Desinia would make a choice under Cassius’s words.
Who knows, he looked at him and smiled lightly, before slowly sorting his half-gloves and opening his mouth.


Prince Cassius was stunned, “What?”

Xia Zuoyi blinked his caramel-colored eyes and said, “I said, you can make it easier for yourselves.
It’s better to admit defeat and give up while the game hasn’t started yet.”

“Otherwise, this kind of competition hurts sentiments.”

“After all, my group of cuties is raised by their skills.
If you also have pets, you can bring them here for a competition.”

Otherwise, don’t talk nonsense.

He’s the one who is favored by all.

Xia Zuoyi thought to himself—I wouldn’t let myself be wronged, let alone my fluffy beasts.

Although in his opinion, this kind of tournament is not at all important.
It doesn’t matter if he joins or not.

And because he didn’t want to cause unnecessary trouble, when he received the invitation letter and was asked for the first time, he chose not to agree.

But now that he’s here.

No matter how many troubles come to him, he will not shrink back nor be timid.

When Ice Cream saw the forest, he got excited and eager.
Driven by his action, the other fluff balls couldn’t help but feel in high spirits and wanted to get into the forest and run happily.

Because of Gena’s invitation, his decision to go to the hunting grounds was well worth it.

Prince Cassius’s face became frigid again—the reason why his face could suddenly flush red in this cold weather is obviously that he’s annoyed by what Lord Desinia said.

He squeezed out a smile and replied, “You must be joking.”

Xia Zuoyi also smiled at him, “You’re funny, Your Royal Highness.”

“Isn’t this hunting game mainly for entertainment? So I don’t want to focus on winning or losing.
I just want my little cuties to be happy.
I’m not here to bully you…”

“Am I right, Your Highness?”

Prince Cassius: “…”

A group of nobles standing behind the third prince: “…”

Their faces at this time invariably looked weird—If this isn’t blatant bullying, what else could it be?!

And cuties… 

The nobles subconsciously looked at the large beasts leisurely circling outside.
When their sight fell on their sharp teeth and claws, they involuntarily felt the sting in their cheeks.

—This kind of name… How could Desinia utter it?!

In the rear, Marquis Gary exchanged a glance with Thomas.

After that, the president slowly withdrew from the crowd.

He walked over to a knight who was guarding outside and said something only known to him.
The knight left immediately.

All of this was accidentally seen by Samielle.

But although she was puzzled by this, all her attention was on Lord Desinia for the time being.
She didn’t pay much attention to this matter after that.

Cassius was made speechless by Xia Zuoyi’s words.

If he continued to care about it, it would appear that he’s rude.

After all, he decided to hold this game after Desinia initially said he couldn’t participate.
His thoughts weren’t that obvious, but some people could also detect something.

Just when he’s about to announce the start of the hunt, a servant suddenly trotted over and came up to speak in his ear…

After hearing this, Cassius was stunned and blurted out, “Eldest brother is back from the border?! And going to join the hunt too?!” 

The attendant bowed his head and said respectfully, “Yes, Your Highness.”

Princess Leonor heard Cassius’s shout and was pleasantly surprised to learn that their elder brother was coming.

So, she raised her slender eyebrows from the back position.
A smile was revealed hidden under the palm of her hand as she whispered happily, “Oh, Ken, look at our little brother.
His face is really good-looking, haha.”

Ken took a sip from his glass with the same expression.

And Xia Zuoyi raised his brows slightly calmly.

The eldest brother of Prince Cassius, and also of the second prince Ken and Princess Leonor.
The first prince of the Saint Airo Empire and the first heir to the throne.

Although the great prince is always stationed at the imperial border, he is respected by the imperial royal family and nobles.
He is often praised and is the most valued son by His Majesty the King.

The great prince is the male protagonist in the original book—Warner Gales.

Like the second male lead, he also appeared in advance.

Thinking of this, Xia Zuoyi raised his head and looked inside the wooden shed, wondering if the heroine, Samielle Phoebe, had also come.

After a bit of searching, his gaze suddenly and accurately met a pair of pink eyes, of which made the owner obviously stunned.

Then, like a rabbit, she hid in the tightly wrapped white cloak, leaving only a big cloak hat.

Xia Zuoyi: “…???”

The girl’s features are too obvious.
With long silver-white hair and pink eyes.
She is indeed the heroine.

But what is she hiding from?!

He was still wondering when he heard a commotion from the surrounding crowd.

At the same time, there was movement at the entrance of the hunting ground.

He thought that the first person to step into the hunting ground was Warner Gales, but he did not expect to meet a familiar pair of golden eyes.

“His Excellency the Pope?! Am I seeing that right?!” Someone exclaimed in a low voice, in disbelief.

Doesn’t the Pope usually preside over all matters in the Holy Church and doesn’t like to appear in front of everyone? Why would he come here?”

“I think it’s because the eldest prince came back from the border.”

“After all, the two had known each other since childhood.
The Pope’s surname is Augsig… Although His Excellency was taken by the previous Pope and raised in the Holy See because of the miracle of his birth…”

“You’re right.
The Pope should have been invited by the great prince.”


Warner Gales has long blond hair, blue eyes like the deep sea, tall, and handsome.

Although he and Archibald are equally blond, they have two completely opposite temperaments.

There’s a kind of affinity in Warner Gales’ person.

His sea-blue eyes were calm and warm, like the sea glittering in the bright sun.

Xia Zuoyi smiled at the Pope and then curiously looked at the male protagonist.

He has to admit that Warner Gales does have a bewitching charm.

Because obviously, the nobles who had surrounded Prince Cassius had all gone to Prince Warner’s side in an instant.

They first greeted the Pope cautiously and respectfully, and after the Pope nodded indifferently, they spoke to the eldest prince.

The expressions of these nobles were much more sincere than when they were around Prince Cassius.

And after Cassius’s face became ugly and stiff, he saw his second brother Ken and his sister Leonor also passing by their elder brother.
He hurriedly sorted out his expression and walked over, unwilling to fall behind.


Xia Zuoyi saw it—he didn’t know what the princess said to the eldest prince Warner, but the male protagonist looked up at him and walked in his direction.

Warner Gales politely looked at Lord Desinia, whom he had heard of for a long time.
The young man’s demeanor was dazzling and admirable.

Just when Warner was about to say something, the plushies who had been wandering outside were probably impatient.
When they saw Xia Zuoyi coming out of the wooden shed, they surrounded them one by one.

Cassius and some nobles involuntarily took a few steps back.

Ice Cream was the first to reach Xia Zuoyi’s side.

The half-sized white wolf rubbed against his waist, then raised his head upwards, and skillfully put his chin against his chest.
His ice-blue eyes were wet as he groaned softly.

‘Wolfy’s coquetry.jpg.’

A critical hit.

Xia Zuoyi immediately left a group of people behind.

He held Ice Cream’s head in both hands, lowered his head, and kissed between his eyebrows while rubbing his ears.
He said, “Darling, you can go in and play later.”



Translator’s Note:

Okay, guys, just a little heads-up.
Really really hectic schedule rn I’m debating whether to update once a week or just mass update whenever I have the time or chapters to upload.
What do you think?

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