ter she had known that she was dying, that she decided to reflect on her past mistakes and that shows her sudden change.

“Then that means that the rumor is really true? That Her Majesty is dying?!”

“No wonder.
She was now asking for a salad that she hadn’t eaten her whole life.
The northeast drought was definitely just an excuse!”

Eventually rumors began to spread that the Empress was dying.

In reality, Anastasia was being buried by her workload for her to pay attention to such rumors.

‘I definitely took care of this in the past, but I can’t remember now.’

But to be fair, it had been a few years since it last happened.

Still, she was handling it quite skillfully with her numerous tasks on her workload.

“I never doubted that your Majesty the Empress wouldn’t be able to do it…!”

The moving tears of Madame Rochester were an added bonus.

It was clear that she had slept for a few more hours compared to the first few days after she returned.
As a result, Anastasia was feeling more at ease even though her own body was exhausted.

‘How the hell did she manage to do all of this for two years?!’

‘Thank you and sorry again .’ 

It was when Anastasia was reading the papers, while scratching the back of her nose.

“Your Majesty.”

Madame Rochester approached her.
Anastasia put down the documents that she was reading.

“What’s going on, Madame Rochester?”

“The Duke of Barantes has come.”

‘Father?’ Anastasia’s face was puzzled.

“He’s waiting right now at the drawing room… What would you like me to do, Your Majesty?”

“Let’s go now.”

Anastasia immediately got up and left the office.

Seeing her outside, the maids standing in the hallway were startled.

After all, it was her first time coming out after a few days.

Anastasia, who later recalled the rumor, felt very embarrassed.

‘It’s because I’ve been locked up in my office all the time these days.’

Before her regression, she hadn’t thought that it would be such a big deal because it had happened to her more often than not.
But for the current Anastasia, it might have been a strange thing.

“Madame Rochester.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Can I ask you one thing?”

Curious about how her reputation had changed by this point, Anastasia asked Madame Rochester discreetly, who was following her.

“Do the court ladies still talk about me these days?”


“No, what I mean is…words that I have changed, or that I’ve become more like an Empress.
Words like that?”


“Nothing? I thought that I had changed quite a bit these days.
I also thought that I’m working hard now ….”

When Anastasia was about to die from embarrassment, Madame Rochester immediately opened her mouth.

“Oh no, Your Majesty! Everyone is talking about you, a lot.”

“Really? Specifically about…?”

“Everyone says that Your Majesty is working too hard, and that they are concerned about your health.
They even said that you’ve become more gentle than before.”

The fact is that her personality hadn’t been mentioned since there were no incidents of her associating with her maids, since she’s been locked up in her office these past few days…..

Madame Rochester tried to condense the words floating around in the Empress’s Palace as much as possible and summarize only the good ones.

Strictly speaking, it was a matter of serious punishment to have talked about anything related to Her Majesty.

But neither of them have noticed it.

“I also talk to the maids whenever I run into them.
That Your Majesty had really changed, that you’re hardworking, and kind! Most of all, the actions that Your Majesty is taking right now are real ones.
I sincerely hope that everyone is thinking that way.”

“Then that’s a relief.”

‘Now I can relax.’

As Anastasia sighed in relief, Madame Rochester, who had been watching her, asked.

“Are you concerned about your reputation?”

In the word ‘concerned’, it was implied ‘Do you even care about those things?’

Anastasia’s actions up until now did not care about throwing away her reputation and image, so there was nothing to say when she asked such a question…..

Anastasia replied with embarrassment.

“I’ll do my best to pay attention to it from now on.”

“You thought well.
Reputation management is also very important.”

“Previously my reputation was so bad that’s why I was worried.”

“You don’t have to worry too much.”

‘But why?’ 

When Anastasia looked at Madame Rochester with a face that showed that she couldn’t understand what she’s trying to say, Madame Rochester replied with a shrug.

“Because I’m also a professional at that.”

“A professional?”

From now on, I will spread the greatness and mercy of the Empress in a more secret and passionate way.”

“Oh, thank you Madame Rochester.”

It was a little embarrassing for her to say this, but it was pretty reassuring to be able to receive some help.
Anastasia smiled awkwardly and expressed her gratitude.

“You’re welcome.
Well, there is one thing, Your Majesty.”

“Please speak.”

“That is…”

Madame Rochester could not ignore the conversation between the maids she had heard by chance earlier.

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