Oh, wow.

Just now, Shen Yanming mentioned that healer had strong endurance, but in an actual 1v1 duel, the healer class could only hold on against the opposing DPS class in the early stages, when they haven’t fully developed.
In the later stages, even if the healer could heal themselves quickly, they couldn’t withstand a critical hit of 9999 damage from the DPS class.1DPS class: characters in competitive video games who primarily focus on dealing damage to opponents

If all nannies could heal, accurately control, and fight like Kong, then the game might as well be called “The Throne of Nannies.”

However, that’s just the atmosphere in Shen Yanming’s livestream room.
Because people find him entertaining, everyone who comes in calls him Luanzi ge.
In reality, they all consider him as the bottom of the food chain and tease him as a form of politeness.

He thought that the nanny who used the couple ID was the same.

In his eyes, the underlying meaning of that sentence was nothing more than, “You can’t even defeat a healer.”

Shen Yanming skillfully played along with this joke, “Well, in that case, you need to change your name.
Congratulations to myself in advance for getting a wife.”

After all, if someone looks down on you, you have to sneakily turn the tables.
Shen Yanming’s words were somewhat teasing, as he wanted to see the person admit defeat.
He had just checked the profile of [Stop Messing Around] earlier—it stated that the gender was male.
If the person were a girl, he wouldn’t make this kind of joke.

Sure enough, the next moment, Luanzi ge no.
2 sent a long string of ellipsis.

Someone in the barrage asked, “Didn’t you just say you don’t want to date early?”

Shen Yanming confidently defended himself, “I said I don’t want to date early, but I didn’t say I don’t want to marry early… Alright, enough nonsense.
I’ll privately send the room number to my destined partner.”

He Changkong didn’t say much and entered the room through the link Shen Yanming sent him.

Upon entering, they needed to choose their characters.

Shen Yanming thought the other side would choose a healer or a character with decent damage output.
At the very least, they would choose a Pharmacist who could poison the enemy.
But to his surprise, Luanzi ge no.
2 selected a Holy Priest right away.

Shen Yanming confirmed again, “You really chose Holy Priest?”

[Stop Messing Around]: Yes.

Well, it’s not easy for me to lose to you then, Shen Yanming couldn’t figure out what the other side was thinking.
Did they really believe that he was so weak that even a Holy Priest could do as they pleased with him?! He paused for a moment and added, “…Do you secretly want to be my wife or something?”

As soon as he said that, the barrage was filled with laughter.

In fact, Shen Yanming’s words weren’t entirely empty banter.
The Holy Priest was the most traditional healing character, with low skill requirements and easy to handle.
As long as they weren’t too clumsy, they wouldn’t make many mistakes in a team.

However, in a 1v1 battlefield, a Holy Priest with healing abilities but no damage output could only be slaughtered like a fish on a chopping board.
Of course, ordinary people wouldn’t choose a Nanny for solo fights.

Losing to a Holy Priest was truly not easy.

After careful consideration, Shen Yanming moved the cursor to a character called “Wind Archer” and confirmed his selection.

The Wind Archer is the squishiest character2Squishiest Character: characters in a game who have the lowest health or defense, making them vulnerable and easily killed in this version of the game, unable to withstand even a couple of punches from others before meeting their demise.
Their damage output is also average at best, making them a forgotten character left in the warehouse by players.

“As everyone knows, I am the number one White Wolf in the domestic server… Wait, what’s with these comments? What do you mean by the number one Samoyed3Samoyed: a type of dog breed in the domestic server? Don’t randomly change my title,” Shen Yanming said.
“Although I am invincible as White Wolf, I don’t feel like bullying people too much today.
So, I’ll play as Wind Archer, and let’s have a fair fight, you noobs.”4noobs: The actual meaning is newbies or newcomers but it is used as a slang to refer to inexperienced or unskilled players

[Stop Messing Around]: You can play whatever you want.

Character selected, the game begins.

Compared to the 4v4 team matches, the 1v1 mode in Return to the Throne is much faster-paced.

Both modes involve returning the crown to the throne, but in 4v4, all players need to search for the hidden location of the crown, while in 1v1, this step is skipped.

The crown appears in the center of the map at the beginning of the game, and the player who kills the opponent more times within ten minutes will qualify to pick up the crown—essentially, it’s about who can gather more heads.5gather more heads: accumulate more kills

Of course, in this fast-paced mode, player revival is no longer restricted by class.
Any class, any character can automatically respawn at their spawn point five seconds after death.

If two assassins or mages were to clash, in order to secure more kills within the limited time, players would mostly charge directly into the center of the map from the start, engaging in a head-on confrontation.

However, Shen Yanming knew that as a level 1 Wind Archer, his combo would only take off about half of Holy Priest’s HP6HP: Health Point.
So, he didn’t rush to find opponents but instead started looking for the trigger points of random events.

Random events are a unique feature in Return to the Throne.
By triggering them, players have the chance to obtain items, attribute buffs7buffs: temporary enhancements or advantages given to a player, character, or team in a video game.
Can be increased damage output, improved defenses, faster movement speed, enhanced abilities, health regeneration, etc., level upgrades… but there’s also the possibility of negative effects.

In short, it all depends on luck.

His luck was not bad.
He triggered three random events and obtained several useful late-game items.

As he searched at a leisurely pace, more than half of the game time had passed, and people in the barrage began asking if the match would ever start.

“What’s the rush?” Shen Yanming said and used the mist-clearing potion he had just picked up.
The map, previously shrouded in fog, suddenly became clear, “I’m going to find my cheap wife… Oh, damn.”

The effect of this potion lasted for ten seconds.
With no fog obstructing the map, enemy units naturally appeared on the map markers .
Shen Yanming originally intended to use this opportunity to catch someone, but as soon as the map brightened up, he saw the Holy Priest crouching on a tree behind him.

How long had this Holy Priest been squatting there? Probably for quite a while, as the character had started dozing off due to the lack of player activity for an extended period.

Shen Yanming instinctively sat up straight.

This area behind him couldn’t even be considered a blind spot, yet he had failed to notice all this time?

What kind of skill was this?

Shen Yanming had previously tried to stage a surprise attack in the live streaming room, but at that time, he was well aware that someone had been following him.
This time was different— he hadn’t detected the Holy Priest on the tree at all beforehand.


If it weren’t for knowing that the opponent couldn’t see his perspective when using the in-game platform for live streaming, Shen Yanming would have thought that the Holy Priest was cheating.

The Holy Priest noticed Shen Yanming’s Wind Archer and jumped down from the tree.

Originally, Shen Yanming thought that with his picked-up items and increased level, if he came across a weak, helpless, and pitiful Holy Priest, he would give them a good beating.

But now he hesitated.

The Holy Priest had been squatting behind him all this time, not taking the opportunity to launch a surprise attack when he wasn’t paying attention.
What was he planning?

But when he saw that the Holy Priest was still at level 1… And if the Holy Priest had been squatting there the whole time, it meant they probably hadn’t had the chance to find any items.

Shen Yanming’s fingers tapped on the keyboard as he aimed at the Holy Priest, preparing to shoot an arrow.

Shen Yanming had predicted the Holy Priest’s movements in advance.
Under normal circumstances, this arrow would have pierced the opponent.
But the Holy Priest didn’t give Shen Yanming the chance, he moved swiftly and skillfully, easily dodging his skills by stepping aside.

Then the Holy Priest ran toward the edge of the grass, and Shen Yanming’s Wind Archer activated the sprint skill to catch up.

Another arrow.

Loneliness followed the shot.

The two of them seemed to be playing a game of hide-and-seek.
Every time Shen Yanming found an opportunity to strike, the Holy Priest easily avoided his skills.

This cycle repeated more than ten times, and Shen Yanming felt like a lost Samoyed dog.

The only person who could make him feel this way was Kong-Shen.

…Even though he was now maintaining his comedic live streamer persona of being both weak and reckless, he had hidden some of his true strength.

But he knew deep down that based on the performance in this match, the Holy Priest’s skill level was not low.
Even if he gave it his all, the two of them would likely be evenly matched.

Only two minutes left, and the match was about to end.

Shen Yanming’s competitive spirit had been ignited, and he tightened his grip on the mouse, his gaze fixed on the screen.

After observing the opponent’s evasive habits for so long, Shen Yanming had somewhat figured out their patterns.

He changed direction and shot his last arrow.

Unexpectedly, the Holy Priest anticipated his prediction and quickly rolled in the opposite direction, perfectly dodging it.

And when the roar of a monster sounded in his ears, Shen Yanming finally guessed the Holy Priest’s intention.

Earlier in the game, Shen Yanming had triggered three random events in this area that provided buffs consecutively.
The next one was likely to be a negative event.

The Holy Priest had been circling around just to lure him to the sleeping dragon that would go berserk due to player disturbance.

The Nanny’s damage output wasn’t enough, but they could use others to their advantage.

The terrain and weather in this area were complex.
Without dispelling the fog or lighting candles, it was difficult to move even a step.
Added to the fact that Shen Yanming, due to playing hide-and-seek with the Holy Priest for too long, had become a bit impatient, he hadn’t noticed the dragon here.

The audience had clearly also noticed the Nanny’s scheme.
From the moment the Holy Priest eluded the Wind Archer, the barrage of comments had been criticizing the Holy Priest.
Now, the audience’s emotions had reached their peak.

The giant dragon spewed a fireball in his direction.

Shen Yanming reacted quickly and rolled to the side.
At the same time, he noticed that the Holy Priest was chanting—probably casting an immobilization skill to pin him down and let the fireball roast him.

If he wanted to dodge, he still had a chance.

If he had encountered an ordinary player this time, he could have intentionally paused for a second or two, made some mistakes, and let the audience think he was frantically using skills due to being overwhelmed, only to luckily win the match.

But he wasn’t facing an ordinary nanny this time, and he had no idea who they were.
They could be a professional player.
If he really wanted to win, he couldn’t afford such pauses.

No pauses, no mistakes.
His gameplay had to be too perfect.
Even if the audience watching the livestream had average skills, they would notice something was off.

Shen Yanming wanted to win, but he didn’t want to “play well”.

He didn’t want to be discovered.

Shen Yanming pursed his lips and gave up struggling, speaking into the microphone, “Ah, alas, the merciless flames engulf me.
I’ve lost.”

[Stop Messing Around]: …

“Your playstyle is filled with traces of Kong,” Shen Yanming looked at the Holy Priest striking a victory pose on the screen and continued, “Wife, could it be that you’re Kong himself?”

Shen Yanming was just casually joking.
There were quite a few people learning Kong’s playstyle now, and he guessed this person might be a blind follower of Kong, at most a highly skilled one.
Among the current professional players, there were also many Kong fans.

[Stop Messing Around]: Yes, I am.

Shen Yanming didn’t expect to receive such a response.
He raised an eyebrow, “Really? How come there’s someone even more shameless than me? If you’re Kong, then I’m Nightmare.”

[Stop Messing Around]: …

Meng Yan, with the player ID “Nightmare”, also a world champion and an Assassin by profession, was sitting next to He Changkong, watching the match.
Caught off guard by this cue, he looked extremely confused.

He Changkong was about to respond with proof when he heard Shen Yanming say, “But it makes sense.
Our Kong-Shen can heal and fight, his skills are godlike.
He’s someone we can rely on in the team, bringing glory to the country when he goes abroad.
He’s handsome, not only good at games but also well-read.
Tell me, how many people wouldn’t like him or want to become him? I understand you… But your skills are still a little lacking compared to his.
Go back and practice harder.
You could be the next Kong!”

He Changkong: “…”

Meng Yan: “…”

He Changkong retracted the verification interface he was about to send.

He asked, “Do you really like Kong that much?”

Honestly, He Changkong had never heard Shen Yanming say such things in the previous life.
They didn’t have much contact, and every time Shen Yanming was in front of him, he acted like a quail.

Without hesitation, Shen Yanming replied, “Of Course!”

[Stop Messing Around]: How much do you like him?

Shen Yanming jokingly replied, “If I were a girl, I would ask if he sleeps with fans.”

[Stop Messing Around]: … Stop messing around.

He Changkong typed another line.

[Stop Messing Around]: If you like him so much, why didn’t you participate in the Water Friend Competition last time?

Thank you for reading! 

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1DPS class: characters in competitive video games who primarily focus on dealing damage to opponents2Squishiest Character: characters in a game who have the lowest health or defense, making them vulnerable and easily killed3Samoyed: a type of dog breed4noobs: The actual meaning is newbies or newcomers but it is used as a slang to refer to inexperienced or unskilled players5gather more heads: accumulate more kills6HP: Health Point7buffs: temporary enhancements or advantages given to a player, character, or team in a video game.
Can be increased damage output, improved defenses, faster movement speed, enhanced abilities, health regeneration, etc.

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